
Our skilled professionals at Fleming and Lowenberg take pride in delivering quality and affordable legal services tailored to your specific needs. With an emphasis on achieving positive results, our close-knit law firm is well-equipped to help individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of bankruptcy and other intricate legal issues. We can efficiently handle your bankruptcy case, enabling you to obtain a "fresh start" with a minimum of disruption to your employment and family life.

Our firm represents primarily DEBTORS in Chapter 7 liquidations and Chapter 11, 12 and 13 reorganizations in a full array of services, including:


  • Curing of mortgage arrears in bankruptcy
  • Cram-down on secured loans
  • Discharge of tax liabilities in bankruptcy
  • Automatic stay litigation
  • Adversary litigation
  • Bankruptcy cases that involve divorce
  • Commercial or business bankruptcies
  • Private Debt Settlements
  • Alternatives to Bankruptcy
  • Debt Collection defense
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA)
  • Foreclosure and Repossession defense and the Colorado Consumer Protection Act.


Fleming and Lowenberg is the only law firm in the Montrose area with a concentration on Bankruptcy and consumer law. We take pride in standing up to collection agencies, banks, and finance companies when they violate your rights. Many consumers that are experiencing financial difficulties and being harassed by creditors simply assume that they cannot afford an attorney to fight back against the creditors. However, our firm can handle many of these cases at little or no cost to you.

Notice pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 528(a)(4): We are a debt relief law firm. We help people file for Bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.

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